Our Guide

The Trampoline Effect Is A Viable Savings Approach.

“It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”
- Robert Kiyosaki

Trampoline Effect document

The Trampoline Effect is for investors who are consistently contributing to their retirement accounts and are looking to create wealth in their company retirement plan. The Trampoline Effect is the accelerated growth in a consistent saver’s portfolio over the 12 months prior to achieving their wealth target if investing in a diversified stock portfolio. The trampoline effect applies whether one’s wealth target is to save 4, 8, 12, 24 or more times salary. As a complimentary service that we provide to clients, we periodically review their company 401k and 403b plans. If you’d like us to review your company plan or you have an old 401k that you’d like to roll over, talk to us.

Download Our Guide To The Trampoline Effect To Learn:
  • How you can use the trampoline effect to save more money
  • Which asset classes are inferior when it comes to saving
  • How you can use stock market volatility to increase your capital
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